
Dr. Ott is a psychologist with over 35 years’ experience in the treatment of anxiety and teaching health care professionals in research validated approaches. His primary focus is in helping individuals with anxiety to learn and effectively use research proven techniques such as Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP).
Brian has lectured in the use of CBT and Exposure and Response Prevention for Anxiety Disorders, both nationally and internationally. In his clinical work, and in conjunction with leading over 200 of these workshops and seminars for health care professionals, he has recognized that successful treatment of anxiety requires three basic elements:
- A clear understanding by the patient of how their anxiety developed through normal psychological and biological processes.
- An individual treatment plan that is created as a collaboration between the doctor and the patient.
- The application of treatment techniques such as Exposure and Response Prevention at a pace that allows progress, but does not overwhelm.
Take a look around this site to learn more about Brian and what types of anxiety problems he treats, how he approaches them in a CBT framework, his recent book on ERP and even a look at his life outside the office.
Brian’s clinical practice is focused on the reduction of anxiety associated with OCD, panic attacks, and phobias including flying, driving, social situations, heights, public speaking, water, and insects.
If you are unable to find a mutually convenient time to meet with Brian, find some additional resources below.
Brian is available to provide workshops and seminars in the application of Exposure and Response Prevention within the broader framework of a cognitive-behavioral approach to the anxiety disorders.
These workshops can be tailored to meet the needs of the audience can range from a single seminar lecture to a week long workshop.
Supervision sessions can be structured in many ways ranging from a single individual consultation to a regularly scheduled individual or group meeting.
Brian offers these sessions in person or through secure (HIPPA Compliant) video conferencing.
Brian will work WITH you.
Decisions on the focus, pace, and even the locations of therapy sessions are made together.
Skills Training
More a teacher than a surgeon, Brian will teach you the skills necessary to create effective thinking and behavior, and to regulate your body’s emergency system.
You will work both in and out of the session. What’s done in between sessions is as important as what is done together in sessions.
Follow Up
Once goals are achieved, our work is not done. The last part of treatment is to figure out how to maintain your gains and not fall back into old habits of feeling bad.
Staring Down Panic
One in four people will experience a panic attack some time in their life. For many the anxiety will continue, consuming more and more time and energy each day in failed efforts to feel better. The strategies that have previously been helpful in dealing with day-to-day stress don’t work. The advice to “just face your fears” does not put a stop to the constant worry that the panic will return.
If this sounds familiar, this book is for you. Staring Down Panic will help you make sense of what you feel and demonstrates how Exposure and Response Prevention can be used to once again live a life not controlled by the avoidance of anxiety triggers. If you are a behavioral health provider who wishes to learn more about the use of ERP in their practice, this book will help you identify and correct common misunderstandings and potential mistakes in the application of Exposure and Response Prevention.

“This is an encouraging and optimistic work, not least of all because it refuses to encourage beyond the point of good sense. This is a guide to panic, thank goodness, that refuses to pander. (Beware of therapists who promise you the moon.) Instead what it does is educate, in an inimitable tone that, like Brian’s own, is at once comforting, witty, and bracing.”
Daniel Smith
NY Times Bestselling Author of
Monkey Mind, A Memoir of Anxiety
Work with Brian
Brian’s offices are located in Boston, Boxford and Newton, Massachusetts.
He conducts workshops nationally and internationally. Video conferencing is also available for therapy, workshops and supervision.
Individual Therapy | $250 for 45 minute session
Please Note: Brian does not bill insurance, he will provide a receipt that you may submit to your insurance company.
Supervision | $200 for 60 minute session
Workshops | Fee will vary by amount of travel and length of the workshop. Contact Brian to make arrangements.
Get in Touch
To set up any service, please email Brian at

Visit the link below to learn more about Brian’s recent research presentations and publications.

Books in Progress
Staring Down Social and Public Speaking Phobia
Due to be Released in 2019
Staring Down Phobia and Staring Down OCD are in the planning stages. Check back for details or sign up below for updates.

Outside the Office
As an avid amateur musician, Brian spends his extra time playing guitar and bass and in pit orchestras for local musical theater productions.
Check back for listings of his upcoming shows.
Stay in Touch
Sign up below to get updates from Brian about upcoming releases and events.